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"....not just an excuse for a cocktail.  When we moved to a new community, where we knew nobody, we witnessed the seemingly all-too-common dynamic of neighbors driving into their garages, putting down the garage door and retreating to the haven of their homes.  Shoot, we did it too.  There was very little interaction between neighbors, and therefore little neighborhood feeling.  One day, in the effort of showing some friends around our new neighborhood, we took a stroll....with our cocktails.  In the process of walking about a mile over the course of about an hour, we met four neighbors (more than we had met in the prior three months that we had lived there) and even got our cocktails refilled!  The MartiniWalkTM was born.

What we realized was that most of us like where we live, and most of us like a cocktail from time to time (particularly at the end of the week).  To combine the two by taking a stroll through the neighborhood was just down-right enjoyable.

Many refinements have happened over the years.  It turns out there is a MartiniWalkTM season.  It runs from the first Friday in May (self-proclaimed National Martini Day) until the Friday after Thanksgiving.  We throw a Season Opener party....eighty people come.  We have a logo, MartiniWalkTM products, chapters across the country, and a group of friends (new and old), neighbors (new and old) who show up on Friday afternoons and take a Walk.  And we even got the attention of the Oprah Magazine."